Public Interest Disclosure
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act) promotes integrity and accountability in the Australian public sector by encouraging the disclosure of information about suspected wrongdoing, protecting people who make disclosures, and requiring agencies to act. More information on Public Interest Disclosures is available on the Commonwealth Ombudsman website.
To gain the protections available under the PID Act disclosures must be made to an appropriate person. The AOFM's Authorised Officers under the PID Act are the:
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Risk and Assurance Officer
- Chief Operating and Finance Officer.
Disclosures and enquiries can be emailed to the AOFM’s authorised officers at
Alternatively, you can send your public interest disclosure to:
Australian Office of Financial Management
Level 3, Treasury Building
Newlands Street
Parkes ACT 2600